The Times’s new digital-subscription system went global at 2 p.m. E.S.T. yesterday, and I am in a state of high-revenue readiness. Coincidentally, Nicholas Carlson (@nichcarlson) of Silicon Alley Insider had an item on Monday morning about a very interesting report, “Who Says What to Whom on Twitter,” from Shaomei Wu, of Cornell University, and three researchers at Yahoo. They found that a fairly small number of people who use Twitter generate an awful lot of the posts. As with many things Webby (e.g. Wikipedia), Twitter empowers a small set of superusers. It also extends the reach of existing elites — specifically celebrities and us old-media peeps (joined by new-media bloggers).
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The Teenager Who Hacked Twitter April 6, 2021 The New York Times Presents explores the case of a teenager from Florida who is accused of breaching one of the most high-profile internet platforms in. Over the weekend The New York Times became engulfed in a Category 5 shitstorm for terminating the employment of a freelance editor, Lauren Wolfe, after she tweeted about having “chills.